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【史嘉琳】英语语音学 (含发音练习) 二

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 【史嘉琳】英语语音学 (含发音练习) 二

外文系    Karen Steffen Chung 史嘉琳
This course is designed to train future English teachers and translators in the phonetics and correc...
本课程共 34 讲,包含:
单元 1.Class Overview and Sharing Linguistic Observations
单元 2.Chapter Six: Airstream Mechanisms: Ejectives I
单元 3.Ejectives II and Implosives I
单元 4.Implosives II and Clicks I
单元 5.Clicks II
单元 6.Clicks III and States of the Glottis I
单元 7.States of the Glottis and Voice Onset Time I
单元 8.Voice Onset Time II
单元 9.Voice Onset Time III
单元 10.Wrapping up Chapter Six and Exercises
单元 11.Chapter Seven: Consonantal Gestures: Articulatory Targets I
单元 12.Articulatory Targets II
单元 13.Dorsal Consonants
单元 14.Stops and Fricatives
单元 15.Trills, Taps, and Flaps I
单元 16.Trills, Taps, and Flaps II and Laterals
单元 17.Summary of Chapter 7 and Exercises
单元 18.Introduction to Acoustic Phonetics: Harmonics
单元 19.Introduction to Acoustic Phonetics: Resonance
单元 20.Filter/Source Theory
单元 21.Tube Models
单元 22.Perturbation Theory and Acoustic Analysis I
单元 23.Acoustic Analysis II
单元 24.Acoustics of Consonants I
单元 25.Acoustics of Consonants II and Interpreting Spectrograms I
单元 26.Interpreting Spectrograms II
单元 27.Interpreting Spectrograms III
单元 28.Interpreting Spectrograms IV
单元 29.Individual Differences and Decibels I
单元 30.Decibels II and Exercises for Chapter 8
单元 31.Cardinal Vowels
单元 32.Vowel-like Articulations and Syllables
单元 33.Chapter 10: Wrapping Up
单元 34.Grand Finale: Special Guest Victor Thibout Demonstrates Khoomei and Undertone Singing


【史嘉琳】英语语音学 (含发音练习) 二下载


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